Is He Poly or Just a Cheater? (Stop Using Poly as an Excuse to Cheat!)

texting your ex

Polyamory, the practice of having multiple romantic and/or sexual partners with the knowledge and consent of all parties involved, has gained more visibility and acceptance in recent years. However, despite its growing popularity, there are still some misconceptions about what polyamory is and what it entails. One of these misconceptions is that polyamory is a way for people to cheat without feeling guilty about it.

This notion is misguided and using polyamory as an excuse to cheat is unethical and harmful to everyone involved.

Yet, it seems that everywhere I turn on social media, I see polyamorous couples or people claiming to be. And I have to be honest, it seems like at the moment, I’m seeing 50% happy throuples with children and 50% skeezy men who claim they are poly after they have been caught cheating on a partner who had NO IDEA that they were poly.

It is important to understand that polyamory is not about having multiple partners for the sake of satisfying one’s desires without regard for others. It is about creating meaningful relationships with multiple people and being honest and transparent about those relationships. In a polyamorous relationship, all partners are aware of each other and consent to the arrangement. It is based on trust, communication, and respect.

Using polyamory as a cover for cheating undermines the legitimacy of polyamory as a valid relationship model. It reinforces the stereotype that polyamory is just an excuse for promiscuity and reinforces the idea that polyamorous people are untrustworthy. This is harmful not only to those who practice polyamory, but also to society as a whole, as it makes it harder for polyamorous individuals to be accepted and respected for their relationships.

Cheating also causes harm to the cheater themselves. Cheating often stems from a desire to fulfill unmet needs or desires, but it is not a sustainable solution. In the long run, cheating can lead to feelings of guilt, shame, and self-loathing. It can also damage one’s self-esteem and lead to a lack of confidence in one’s ability to form and maintain healthy relationships.

It’s called therapy, my loves. Try it, live it, love it. I have and it is life-changing!

It is important to note that there are alternatives to using polyamory as an excuse to cheat. If someone feels unfulfilled in their current relationship, they can communicate their needs and desires with their partner and work together to find a solution that works for both of them.

If the relationship cannot be saved, it may be time to consider ending it and seeking out a relationship that better meets their needs.

People in polyamorous relationships have to work hard to maintain communication and trust between everyone involved. This often involves setting clear boundaries, having open and honest conversations, and making sure that everyone is on the same page. Cheating undermines all of this work, as it erodes trust and creates feelings of betrayal.

In addition to being unethical, using polyamory as a cover for cheating can also lead to serious legal and social consequences. Depending on the circumstances, cheating can be considered a form of infidelity or adultery, which can have a significant impact on divorce proceedings and custody battles.

Cheating can result in the spread of sexually transmitted infections, as individuals engage in unprotected sexual activity with multiple partners.

Am I the only one who read the article about how gonorrhea is becoming unstoppable??

Polyamory can be a fulfilling and enjoyable relationship style for those who practice it consensually and with respect for all parties involved. However, using it as a cover for cheating is a form of abuse that can cause significant harm to the people involved.

In order to practice polyamory ethically and responsibly, individuals must be open and honest about their relationships, communicate with all partners, and maintain trust and respect for everyone involved.

Using polyamory as a cover for cheating is unethical, deceitful, and harmful to everyone involved. It undermines the core values of polyamory, such as trust, communication, and consent, and it can lead to serious legal and social consequences. If someone is engaging in cheating, they should not hide behind the guise of polyamory, but instead take responsibility for their actions and seek to repair the harm they have caused.

If someone feels unfulfilled in their relationship, it is important to communicate their needs and desires and find a solution that works for both partners, rather than resorting to cheating.

By practicing polyamory in an honest and transparent way, you can avoid a ton of drama and heartbreak.

Happy dating, sloots!