Don’t let social media ruin your relationship

my boyfriend hates my instagram

When you are in a relationship, there are adjustments that need to be made in order to avoid petty arguments about social media. Believe it or not, people divorce because of shit like that so keep a few simple rules in mind to prevent situations from escalating into deeper issues that you may not be able to work through as a couple.

5. Keep your relationship private but don’t hide it

Not to say that you need to go overboard and post your boo like crazy on your social media, but don’t make yourself look like you’re blatantly single either. Make it known, at least in subtle ways, that you are seeing someone. You don’t want to give your significant other the wrong impression about the way you portray yourself when they are not around.

4. Don’t publicly fight

This way, you are avoiding unwanted opinions about not only the argument, but about your relationship in general. I’m telling you, just wait until you’re home to bring that shit up because there is always someone out there who wouldn’t mind seeing you two crack. 

3. Instill a “no cell phone” rule for dinner time or evening. 

Quality time without social media, texting, Facetime, anything phone related, is so important to any relationship. We often forget just how much of a distraction our phones can become. Yes, so many of us use them for work, but, if you are going to make a relationship work, you are going to have to force yourself to prioritize quality one-on-one time with your boo. 

2. Don’t compare your relationship to the ones you see perfectly curated on sm. 

They’re not real! Everyone pretty much knows (or should know) that when someone is constantly posting their relationship on social media (lovey-dovey captions and all), it’s safe to assume that the relationship is about 75% less happy from what being portrayed. Most of the people on social media are trying to curate this perfect, enviable image of themselves and so, they try to portray the #coupleGoals version of their relationship.  

1. Be careful who you follow, like and comment. 

Yes, I know, it’s only social media and it shouldn’t be taken as serious as it is but, be respectful of your partner and what other people will think of your social media actions. Do you want your bf/gf to see that you liked and commented on a bunch of pics of random IG hotties? No, you don’t. Trust me.

Not gonna lie, I am totally against social media in relationships, which I realize is completely impossible because EVERYONE has some kind of sm and many are abusing it.

What was once a tool for sharing party pics and finding long-lost friends is now the reason behind many divorces — and we’re not even going to mention its part in the online stalking of ex-boyfriends and present significant others who you feel you need to check up on.

In 2018, A U.K. divorce site found that 20 percent of “behavior petitions” (which is British lingo for “reasons to file for divorce”) contained the word “Facebook” in them, meaning that the site was in some way to blame for the marriage’s dissolution. Just a couple of years later, that percentage jumped to 33 percent.

Well, not surprisingly, learning the number-one reason why Facebook was at fault in these cases was due to “inappropriate messages to members of the opposite sex.” It seems that people have yet to learn to make sexual and flirty comments through personal email as opposed to a Facebook wall for all the world (and significant others) to see.

In cases where the couples had separated but had yet to divorce, the once happily married folks were turning to Facebook to post nasty comments about each other. Well, if you can’t shout how much you hate somebody from the rooftops, you might as well post it on their wall.

Another reason for how Facebook causes divorce is due to Facebook friends, or rather “friends,” who took it upon themselves to rat out spouses who may have been getting a little too friendly on the social media site.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t like those odds. Sadly, it’s impossible to date someone who’s off the grid but you can follow the rules I go by that I spoke about above.

What do you think?