How to make him want you again

how to make him chase you again

Is he starting to not answer your calls and taking longer to text you back? Did he stop hitting Like on your selfies even though you can clearly see that he is perusing booty pics on Instagram? Here’s a little advice to make him wonder why you suddenly dont want him.

Stop being so available
Men love a good chase, it’s in their blood! If you are at his beck and call, it can make it too easy. I’m not saying to play games, but, unfortunately, the chase is part of the man’s need to conquer…well, you. Let him. 

Be mysterious
Stop giving him all the details when you talking to him. If you are going out with some friends, he doesn’t need to know who you are with. Stop sending him lengthy text messages and pouring your heart out, especially if you get nothing from him. He doesn’t need to know where you are every second of the day. Let his mind wander a bit, let the fear of losing you creep up. He needs to know now that being with you is a privilege.

Live your best life and show it!
There’s nothing more attractive than when someone has their own life outside of you and isn’t waiting around for you. Go out with friends, family, pursue your hobbies and post about it freely on your social media. *Bonus points if you’re friends with his friends on sm.

Stop initiating, let him suggest dates, etc.
Is it usually you who suggests meeting up? Have you realized that you are the one who has to initiate contact first, text or call? What if you didn’t text him for days…would he then contact you or would he fade away? Test that theory. Trust me, it’s important to know where you stand and if not hearing from you doesn’t make him want to contact you, then he doesn’t gaf.

Make him feel good about himself 
Everyone wants to be around people that make them want to be a better version of themselves. If he feels like a better man around you, chances are, he’s going to want to be around you more. Build him up!

Not gonna lie, it has always been hard for me to play the “hard to get” game because of how thirsty I was as a teen and young adult. Hello, Daddy Issues. It’s me, Ely.

I wish I could regale you with stories of playing the cat and mouse game with hot fuckboys but unfortunately, no such memories exist. You know what I have pleny of, however? Stories of me blowing off men and them thinking I was playing hard to get, which is the fucking worst.

What do you think?